That’s a little bit of a tough one to answer. And as I type this, I realise, actually maybe it’s not.
When my wife and I returned from our travelling trip Mid July 2016, we were extremely hyped up about life. We had made plans, had goals and ideas of doing more landscape/travel photography, get back into the gym and into shape… And And And.

Crash. Nothing happened. First thing’s first, get jobs. For me it was easy enough. I rang up my old supervisor and asked if there were any positions open. I literally slotted straight back into my old job. Almost as if I hadn’t left. Exactly 2 weeks after landing back in the UK, I was doing what I disliked, the most.
For my wife, it was a little tougher. She contacted her previous employers and all they did was make pathetic empty promises. After around 6 months of their shit, she resigned and started into a whole new career path. The benefit of which means rather than working her usual 60 hours a week, Mon – Fri, she was finally on a 40 hour week. And we get to see each other so much more.
But that’s about the only positive thing, that I felt we achieved since returning.
Ok… We got a pretty neat and modern loft styled apartment in a gorgeous part of Kent. Work is work. But we started falling right off the wagon. Haven’t done anything towards fitness. Haven’t done anything towards photography. And to be honest, after experiencing the freedom and sites we had seen while travelling for those 6 months, I had literally lost all interest in photography.
I booked one modelling shoot with Lucifera a month or so after getting back to the UK, and it was a small disaster. Absolutely nothing to do with the model, but more to do with my lack of shooting. I mean… My last model shoot before that was Rosa, like 2 years prior. And on top of that I had sold ALL my entire lighting set up to put towards our travels. So the only light source I was shooting with was my Off Camera Nikon SB700 flash.

All of that waffling aside, I kind’ve fell out love with photography. And out of live with life.
When you’ve experienced true freedom. Absolute true freedom… It’s difficult to return to the “Rat Race” Often when I’m at work I’ll look at the date and remember; “This time last year we were on a cruise exploring the amazing waterfalls of Milford Sound.” or “This time last year we were snorkeling in Coral Bay while a gorgeous French lady sat in her beach chair, catching a tan, topless, and reading a book”
And where am I know? In a noisy equipment plant room at 2am due to an emergency breakdown. Fun Fun Fun.

Anywho… A few weeks ago I was internet surfing other photographers portfolios and killing time, as you do, when I suddenly felt the urge to start shooting again. To experiment more.

And that’s more or less where I am now. Granted I’ve only managed one shoot about 2 weeks ago, but I’m on the hunt. I want to get at least 6 + shoots done before the end of the year, if at all possible.
Lilu’s gallery shall be going live shortly.
Have you ever been in a slump? How did you get out of it? I would love to hear from you.
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