So… Here we are again. Just a few snaps from the past week or so at work and what not.

So, I just kind of realized that there are quite a few photos of my day job/taken at work. I dunno about you, but I think that’s pretty boring. I will be making a conscious effort to take photos that are some what more interesting. More of what goes on around me, instead of what it is I actually am doing.
On a side note… I am addicted to this youTube mix. Now I know what you all are thinking. It has tons of hot ladies in the video… but NOOOooo. I actually play it in the background while doing some PC work. It’s a wicked tune. And it’s just over 14 minutes long, so keeps me bouncing in my chair for a little while.
And on that note… I’m an outta here. Got do some more “coding” and work on another website project of mine.
Take it easy ya’ll… And keep those cameras in your hand.
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