Hey ya’ll… What’s been going on? How the hell have you all been?
Me? I’m just dandy. Been so busy and kind of lazy/demotivated. Work has been getting me down and sapping all my energy of late. Come home and just do nothing. Or not as much as I want to do anyway.
On the plus side, I am currently off work for a week. Tomorrow that week comes to an end. Then it’s just the weekend before getting back to the grind stone. Soooo not in the mood.
What have I done on my week off?
Monday – I played Battlefield 3 and the new Splinter Cell game ALL day. Took a brain dead me day. Ordered a pizza and just escaped the real world.
Tuesday – I have a 4 hour photo shoot before heading out to a photography mate of mine for some tea and a chat. (Photoshoot images have to remain secret for the time being. Busy working on another project.)
Wednesday – Had a little bit of a lie in, then a 2 hours tattoo appointment, before coming back home to chill.
Thursday – Has been quite busy again. Mostly with PC, website and photo work. Updated this website, edited some photos. Purchased Lightroom 5. (My trial period ran out)
Friday – I am of too Essex to take a look and test some MagFed paintball markers. Yeah… I’m thinking of eventually getting back into paintball as a sport/hobby.
Saturday – Well now… I was approached by a model offering a very unique (for me that is) kind of photoshoot. For now, I will have to remain secretive about it. Let’s see how it turns out.
Sunday – Wife has made all the plans.
I know I have said this COUNTLESS times, but I am going to try, again, to blog more. Just shorter, instead of keeping days and weeks worth of info to myself and then trying to recall everything in one big blog. Shorter. More frequent. That’s the new goal.
And it will start right here. Right now.
Have a wicked Friday peeps.
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