Hey Hoe Hey Hoe… here we go. So, what’s been going on folks? Anything new? Anything great? Nothing. Nothing at all. Absolutely sweet f***all happening this time. Work, work, more work.
Oh… I am back in the gym at 6am 3 times a week. Well.. When I say 3 times a week, what I mean is that I have been once this week. Tomorrow morning should be the second day for the week. And as I am on call and working all weekend, I can only get back there next Monday, to start my 3 day a week stint.
Photographically, it’s been too quiet. Most of the sporting events done for the year. Weather is getting crappy. Cold. Wet. Miserable. At least it’s not too cold, at the moment.
Had a photo shoot with a really amazing model 2 weekends ago. I shall be posting the pics up soon.

Loving my new Note 3, although there are a few little issues here and there. Hopefully they will be resolved and sorted out with future updates.

You know when you think big. “I’m going to do this. I’m going to do that” But it never materializes as you just procrastinate or make excuses. Then you see other people making head way. Moving forward. And you’re like “Damn. I should’ve, could’ve, must…” Well, I saw someone launched yet another website and it’s just made me realize that I am no closer today than I was 6 months, a year or 3 ago. Really need to get my ass in gear. Get a move on. Life is passing me by and I have on cement shoes.
In other news… We bought a new TV the other day. One of those Smart TVs. The thing is the bomb-diggity. Love it… It was more a gift for my wife, than me. But we do enjoy sharing a good movie or series.

Well, I really don’t have much to say… Just thought I would drop a blog for the sake of dropping a blog.
But.. Before I go… I have a few things to add.

Have a wicked weekend yoh.
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