I know I've been scarce and I don't update these blogs often. I'm not even sure anyone actually reads them. But nonetheless, here I am. YOU: ...
2017 Recap
As you may, or may not, know by now I've usually got a lot on the go at the same time. So many projects or ideas that I work on all at the same time, ...
Shooting Jodie
Last time I shot with Jodie was back in 2013. 4 years have since, flown by. So it was about time that we put a date on the calendar for a ...
Photographers don’t get praise
So recently I had a model, Lucifera, share an image of mine that I took of her, on her Facebook page. And out of the 52 current comments, 0ver 200 ...
Simon Bolz
There are so many amazing and talented photographers out there in this big bad world. And one of those togs that I follow and admire is one Mr Simon ...