Jess was an absolute peach. One of my favs. By far. She braved the public transport system to trek all the way down to my location in Kent and I’m ...
Kelly Hathaway
2018 has gotten off to a busier start than all my other years of shooting. I've already had 3 different shoots in January. And 2 of those were with ...
I had my first shoot with Serenity the other day and it will most definitely not be the last. Her pre-comms were brilliant along with keeping in touch ...
After a long break from photography I had my first shoot back with the wonderful Lilu. She responded to my casting and pre-comms were clear and to the ...
Simon Bolz
There are so many amazing and talented photographers out there in this big bad world. And one of those togs that I follow and admire is one Mr Simon ...
Agata Grodek
Had my first shoot with Agata back in December 2014. What a delightful woman and model. She was friendly and very accommodating from the get go. A ...
Charley Atwell
Another one of those incredibly popular and experienced models is Charley. Very comfortable and confident in front of the camera. She didn't need much ...
This was my first shoot with CharliAngel. Upon meeting she was a little quiet and almost appeared shy in the beginning. But soon it was apparent that ...