So, it's happened. I've had to send my 15" MacBook Pro Retina in for repairs. It's got this little screen flicker/glitch. To be fair, it isn't ...
Office away from the office
So I have been trying to find an iPad keyboard that I can use to do work when I am not at home or near my pc. Today, I found one. It was cheap. REALLY ...
Come on weekend
Coming to you straight from my iPad on this semi sunny Wednesday. I hope you are all well. Or at least the one person that I know reads these things ...
Sunday Night
And, here we are again. In bed, on a Sunday, Monday morning teasing us with its wicked advances. Hmmm... That was a little too poetic. Not quite like ...
Glorious Monday
Hey ho... Hey ho... Monday is at least over. It was a busy and "productive" day. Not so much for me, but more for the engineer I was shadowing ...
iPad blog
Well, how awesome is this? It appears as if I can update my blog directly from my iPad. I don't have much to say, but thought it was pretty damn ...