I guess that it's safe to say that I have literally fallen off the face of the earth. But that's only half true. Unfortunately it's in the photography ...
Busy Busy Shoot Me…
Hey Hey... Just popping in. Still alive... Just drastically busy with worked and my free time is majorly swamped. Got some potential news coming ...
Quieter than usual
I will probably be a little quieter than usual as a result of my pc being out of commission for a little while. No. It hasn't broken down or anything ...
So... Back on call out duty this wknd. It's now 16:24 and I have around 15 hours of this crap left. I was wondering... Is there anyone who actually ...
What’s up nerds???
So... Here we are again. Just a few snaps from the past week or so at work and what ...
T T T Tuesday
What is happening folks? How is you day looking? Well, for me it is a 4 day work week, so will try keep the moaning down to a minimum. The weekend ...
Glorious Monday
Hey ho... Hey ho... Monday is at least over. It was a busy and "productive" day. Not so much for me, but more for the engineer I was shadowing ...
First official blog
So, here I am with my first official post on my brand new website. I say first, because the previous one was actually just to let who ever visits this ...