A little while ago I put together a little challenge for myself. The challenge was to blog at least once a week. With 11 weeks (at the time of writing ...
Goodbye Facebook
It's been something that I've been contemplating for awhile... I've removed my Catchlight Facebook page. I personally don't think that Facebook is ...
11 Week Challenge
So, in true Lex Style I've completely fallen off the photography wagon again. In fact... I'm trying to think about the last time I actually used my ...
Favourite Artists
As I sit here, on my iPad mini, using my little portable workstation I decided to write more about other photographers, and their work, rather ...
D750 3rd Recall
So, for what I beleive to be the 3rd time, Nikon have put out a statement recalling all their Nikon D750 cameras. I have to be hinest, this ...
Shooting Jodie
Last time I shot with Jodie was back in 2013. 4 years have since, flown by. So it was about time that we put a date on the calendar for a ...
Photographers don’t get praise
So recently I had a model, Lucifera, share an image of mine that I took of her, on her Facebook page. And out of the 52 current comments, 0ver 200 ...
Where have you been?
That's a little bit of a tough one to answer. And as I type this, I realise, actually maybe it's not. When my wife and I returned from our ...
Do Models Make The Difference?
This is a question I've now been asked a few times by a few photographers starting out and my answer is usually always the same. Yes & ...
Social Media
This is a little bit of a rant that I've been building up towards for a while. Especially after my wife returned from travelling for 6 months. We ...