Things have been pretty stressful this side of the world. First off, I got a cold that saw me off work for only half a day. But a few days later it escalated into a full on throat and nasal infection. That saw me off work for most of last week, and wishing to slip into a coma until it had passed.
The sweating, pain, unable to eat, lack of sleep… I was delirious and completely beside myself. Thanks to my amazing wife for looking after me during that time and I apologise for keeping you up at nights. This must have surely made your work days feel 10 times longer.
Plans for our travels are coming along slowly. I guess once all the tickets are booked, we can take a slight breather. However, still have loads to sort out and try sell our car on top of all that.
I should be handing in my notice for work on Monday. It’s going to be a good day… Something I have been looking forward to for quiet awhile. There is no love lose between me and this current company.
Photography wise…. Nothing. Nudda. Zilch. My baby is stowed away in my Protactic Backpack, just sitting there. Aching to be used.
Let’s see what the weekend brings. Maybe we can go for a walk around somewhere and take some photos.
I was sorting through my Dropbox earlier, deleting all old unnecessary photos and uploads. Barely made a dent, but it’s funny looking back on some photos and screenshots from a year or two ago.
I seriously miss summer. Not even summer… I just miss warmth. It might not be quite winter yet, but it’s cold enough for me to add on a few extra layers of clothes. Under my work trousers, I have a tracksuit bottoms. 2 Pairs of socks. My thermal vest, work shirt and a fleece. Along with a beanie. I do not do well in the cold…
And that’s about it for the time being… When my wife and I go travelling I will hopefully have much more to write and blog about it. At the moment it’s just something I do when I find time, or get super bored. Blabble some words on a post…
This is a photo I took of a sunset from the kitchen window of our flat. Why not check out a few more shots from my other Ludapix Photography
Until next time…. Peace.
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