So. I’ve always wondered who or where our if even, people visit my website.
Because, let’s face it… I’m not a professional or even a semi professional photographer. And unfortunately, as I have a full time job that keeps me pretty busy, I do not get the time to promote/spend on my site.
With the exception of the occasional Tweet or Facebook post/share, I actually do very little self promotion. There is always the dreaded “one day” scenario.
But recently I was able to implement a stats view on my site and while the results weren’t mind blowing. They were interesting. Especially with regards to some of the locations from some of my visitors. I guess it’s the very reason why I love and hate the Internet. You can potentially reach anyone on any corner of the globe. All the would need is a basic peice of IT kit. Mobile phone, tablet, laptop or whatever had browsing capabilities. And ofcourse some sort of Internet connection. Wifi. Dial Up. Fiber.

And I’m back. This time taking my lunch break at Morrisons in Crawley. (If the boss is reading this)
Messiest burger ever. But worth the cheat meal. Will have to recap where I was earlier in the blog.
There is always just so much to do and quite literally not enough time to do it. I think I should rather spend more time figuring out what doesn’t need to be done. And just don’t do it. Maybe it will chop my ever growing to-do list in half.
In other more photographic news, I am dying to get out and shoot. Really miss just random picture taking. And with winter well on its way, it’ll be tougher to leave the house. I really want to get out to try my “new” backpack as well.
I’m well aware of the whole iPhone vs Android “feud”, but I’m completely in love with this phone. It’s the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and LOVE IT. Now, I know the Note 4 has been announced and it looks even better. Especially the new software updates. Multi window has always been cool and helps me be productive. But with the new drag and drop… Man. I want one.
Open gallery. Open email or another app. Drag the photo into the app window. BOOOOOM. Love it.
However. I have quite some time before before being eligible for an upgrade. And and the Note 3 was a little buggy in the beginning. I’ll wait a few months for the kinks to be sorted out before changing over.
Had a full weekend of MagFed Paintball. Was the UKs largest MagFed event and even had a “celebrity” baller fly down from Canada for the event. I spoke to him a couple of times… Maybe he just didn’t like me, but I didn’t get the best vibe off of him. Maybe I’m just difficult to talk to.

Had major issues with my goggles steaming up. Which has lead me to do this today…

The only problem (this project is not complete yet) is that the fans are rated 5v and I’m running a 9v battery. Which puts the fans into HYPER SPEED and makes one hell of a buzzing noise inside the mask when I am wearing it. After some testing and playing around, I found that 3 x 1.5v AA batteries do the trick better. It get’s the fans moving and air flowing, but is way quieter. An order has been placed on eBay for a new battery holder.
Otherwise, in other news… Not a lot really. Am on standby this weekend. REALLY REALLY can’t be fucking assed. Am so over this job. But, until I win the lotto or take the plunge at starting out on my own, this is what I do to pass the time and pay the bills.
Take it easy folks.
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