There are so many amazing and talented photographers out there in this big bad world. And one of those togs that I follow and admire is one Mr Simon Bolz.
“Simon Bolz photographs nude series for magazines, calendars and books.” — quoted directly from his websites home page.
As part of my decisions to get more “involved” with actually keeping this website updated as often as possible, I’ve also decided to Blog about anything. Well, anything that interests me.
So you should see more of these popping up. Whether it be about other photographers, equipment or even just an amazing image that I find inspiring.
Anyway… Getting off topic.
I first found out about Simon from this video of his, whereby he promotes his Coffee Table Book called Frisky.
I’m not going to get into a full on exposé about Simon, I just wanted to bring him and his work to your attention. He is was of the fortunate ones who has found a way to make a living off of his art. Shooting gorgeous nude models. Dream Job.
Go ahead and check out his website to find out more about him. Click……… 👉🏼 Here!!!
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