This is going to be a little bit of a rant… If you’re not into reading about peoples bad moods or reading about them venting said bad moods, I recommend you move along and go look at my photos instead. Especially if you are A: a model or B: a model I may have worked with.
Otherwise, I suggest this for your viewing pleasure.
And onward we go…
I’ve had the pleasure of working with several models over my part time career as an amateur photographer. I wouldn’t say I’ve worked with loads, but I wouldn’t say a few either. And I thought that things went pretty well considering.
Considering what you ask?
Considering that I’m an amateur photographer.
Considering that most have left me positive references and testimonials.
Considering that I try make the model feel comfortable and relaxed while respecting her and her privacy. Especially if it’s our first time working together.
Considering that I try keep a lite atmosphere. An almost “social 2 ‘friends’ hanging out” kind of vibe.
Considering that I have been nothing but polite to all the models I have worked with. Even those that I have only corresponded with via email.
However… The last few models have thus proceeded to do a few of the following things:
Not leave me a reference after I was kind enough to leave them, what I thought, was a Positive reference.
With one model, while I was completely unprepared for the shoot (As sometimes I prefer to just wing it and learn. I like to experiment), we only got to shooting 45 mins after our start time and after meeting up. I did not in anyway rush her or push to get started. Never mind the fact that my attempt at keeping things “chilled” was eating into the photography time I was actually paying for.
Some models have not bothered replying to my texts or emails because of who knows why. (In all “fairness” Maybe they didn’t receive either or just forgot. But I’m not going to chase after anyone)
Some models obviously deem themselves too popular in status and experience to bother with a photographer of my caliber.
My hero, JD once told me… Don’t work with models. Work with women.
And this does appear to be the case. Repeat business? Don’t think so…
Maybe I’m being a little overly sensitive and dramatic. But I don’t like being ignored or being made to feel inferior because I don’t shoot for Vogue or Page 3.
I’m not going to be as petty as to contact the site admin and have the reference I left the model, revoked. I left you a reference. You obviously deserve it. But don’t think I’ll be giving you any credit in the future either.
If someone asks me; “Have you worked with what’s her name? What did you think of her? ”
My answer may reflect something indifferent. “Yeah, she was good but…”
Should I name and shame? Nah… I’m not that kind of person.
But here is a small list of my issues:
Model 1: Didn’t leave me a reference. BUT… She was from a European country and her English wasn’t very fluent. So she asked to have a reference translated so that she could post it. She never did.
Model 2: Didn’t leave me a reference AND didn’t reply to my phone messages. Maybe she never “got them” even though they were marked as delivered. Or maybe she forgot.
Model 3: My emails are forgotten or not received. And requests for future shooting dates has not been responded to. (Which makes sense if she has not gotten my emails)
Model 4: No reference. And never replied to my messages.
Please note; If you think that I am referring to you, please don't. Rather get in contact and ask me if I am. Assumptions are not to be made.
Anyway… This is just me having a rant. “Blue Monday” Winter is settling in fast. Daylight Savings Time and getting home in the dark when it’s only 5:30 pm is pain.
In other news… I’ve come across this guy ExpertVagabond and I think I have found a new Hero to add to my list
Seriously… The dude makes a living off travelling while taking some amazing photos. My dream… Seeing as how my dream has changed over the last little while. This needs updating, The Future, but it’s definitely what my wife and I want to do now. At least for a few years before finding a place to settle down.
My brother in law gave me this bicycle as he got an upgrade. Already had it a week. Put all the lights and “bells n whistles” on it, but have yet to actually use it. Let’s see if I can wake up early enough and if it isn’t raining tomorrow morning.

Was having broadband speed issues with my Samsung Note 3. But turns out it was something I disabled… So am back up to around 30 Mbps 🙂

Bought this new travel rolling bag for my camera gear. Now I can fit everything in when on the move… For location/model shoots. Just need to streamline and work out my lighting set up. 2 strobes isn’t really necessary. But, with loads of pockets and pouches, adjustable dividers, a pull our handle and wheels, it’s awesome. Tried it out with my Cassie Jade photoshoot and it was wicked. Really recommend it.

What else… Oh yeah. I’ve rearranged my PC again. This time allowing for the hard drives to face the front. Which means it is easier to access and change drives. There isn’t even a need to remove the side panels. Just undo the front cover clips, undo power and Sata cable. Boooom… Slides out.

Had a huge MagFed Paintball event as well, the beginning of October. It was ok… My issue was that I had my mask fogging up. Literally couldn’t see shyte. And that pissed me off so much I abandoned the last game of the day, and just drove 3.5 hours home.

Got new blackout housings for my 2 Gopro cameras. Going to hopefully start using them more and should start uploading content at some point.

Otherwise… Not much else going on. Keeping very busy and have loads behind the scenes. But that’s going to have to wait until another day.
I’ll leave you with this parting image… Hope you like. Check out my other Facebook Page.

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