So I have been trying to find an iPad keyboard that I can use to do work when I am not at home or near my pc. Today, I found one. It was cheap. REALLY cheap. Must admit, I am not a huge fan of it yet.
The buttons are rubber and while they are pronounced, they are hollow and still need a little but of force when typing. It’s not a fluid motion. But I guess its also a case of having to get used to it.
Speaking of cases. It is one of those folio cases, so it folds up nicely. And even has a little slot for a pen. Or what I am thinking more along the lines of is a Stylus, for drawing my notes in Evernote.
Thus is the price of trying to squeeze a dollar from a dime and not even having a cent – from the movie Hustle and Flow.

The one benefit is that I can still use the touchscreen features of the iPad. I am currenty sitrting on… The throne and have it on my lap. I have to hold it down, otherwise it becomes topp heavy and falls over.
But, as I sit here doing my business, I guess the main “issue” is that the keyboard is smaller than a regular keyboard. And constantly pushing the wrong buttons. All in all, it’s not too ad. But let’s see how it goes ove the next few days/weeks.
One thing I would love to see is auto capatilize and a full stop when double taping the space bar.
Update: So I have had this Folio Case now for several days and my initial impressions weren’t that great. But as the week has progressed, and the more I use it (like now, sitting here drafting this blog) it’s actually been a pretty worthwile investment. Along with Google and several other free apps/services, I have ben able to get loads more done, while on the go. Or in my case, at my full time job (If they read this: Only during my lunch break)
In other news, I am looking at adding some new and different to my portfolio. It’s early days and will probably only be confirmed when I return off holiday at the end of this month, but I would like to book a studio and model and make up artist, to shoot something different for my portfolio. I’ve realised that I am not getting to exposure or Facebook attention/likes that I feel my work should. I keep my personal Facebook page rather small and private. I guess that could be part of the problem. Along with the way Facebook post your posts. When I share or invite people to my page, they may not see the post or get the invite.
I am currently on standy/call out duty for work. Luckily I have managed to get my Sunday shift covered, as I have a MagFed event in Kent booked. Which was organised ages ago before this company decided to put me on standby the same weekend.
I really feel that I need a change. Whether it be getting back into the gym, change of scenery, getting some new SSDs for my PC and doing a complete fresh install/rebuild.
I know most photographers and professionals swear by using Apple Mac products, but take a look at this baby. You can’t do that with a Mac. And further more, look at this specs.
Isn’t she a beauty? And half the price of a Mac that I priced up a while back.
Another update: Otherwise… I added a Bamboo Stylus to the iPad along with the app and wowzers. This is now my office away from my office. Loving the iPad again.
Hope you are all well. Will be back again soon.
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