Here we are again. It seems as if Dan from from some Android forums has found the problem with my site and the Android app for posting to my site from my Galaxy Note 3. This is me trying it out…
I’m back at work today. On a Sunday. I know. But at least I didn’t get any calls on Saturday. This allowed me to sit at home and redo my website slightly. What you think of the new look? There will be improved galleries and a sleeker better looking layout. It’s still far from finished but still a great deal better than what it was imo.
I bought a new CoolerMaster pc case as I wanted to do a full system rebuild. Color code all my cables and pipes and what not. In the though, I’ve just decided to be “sensible” and I will be only redoing the water cooling setup. I won’t be doing a full system rebuild. There are too many other things on my plate that need to be done.
So, I would like thicker hoses and nicer hose fittings and HOPEFULLY an EX water block for my graphics card. That will have to do for now. Trying to get a neat look like the photo above.
Would really like to get another model shoot done the weekend after next. Let’s see how that goes.
I already have so many plans and ideas for things and for my photography for the new year it’s just finding the time. Could accomplish so much more of taking photos was my full time job.
In other news, I’m back in the gym 3 days a week but mostly concentrating on my diet/food consumption. No sugar, no junk. 4 meals a day. Need to get my hands on some protein powder soon as I need to increase my protein intake drastically.
A sample of my more exciting meals. BBQ chicken with salad. This past work week it’s been eggs, chicken thighs, lots of veg and lentils. It becomes acceptable when you learn how to tweak it. I’ve added a tin of corn to give it some “flavour/sweetness” when eating the lentils. Where as before broccoli and lentils made me wanna gag. 4 days strong (taking it easy the wknd due to work) but back on it tomorrow. 6:30 am gym and 4 meals a day (eat every 4 hours)
Just need to shop around for alternatives so it doesn’t become to overwhelming eating literally the same meals for months on end. I’m just trying to lose enough wait to feel comfortable/active again. Not quite aiming for a 6 pack. Goals are to be small and achievable and done in stages.
Otherwise… That’s me for now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Catch up again soon.
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