This post is about people who work in the adult industry. If this is something that offends you, rather head on to my home page to view some awesome models. If half naked woman also offend you, then please revisit this website when you are not so easily offended.
Let me tell you a little story. It’s a story about a boy. A boy with a dream. A dream of becoming an astronaut. And failing that dream. He decided to start up his own Adult Entertainment Network.
This is a story about a boy named James.
James is a simple lad, with simple needs and…….. Ok. Ok. I can’t do this. I can’t write to save my life.
If I’ve already lost you, I apologize. When I started drafting this post, I had had way too much coffee and red bull. I was struggling at work with a day from hell. And I was bouncing off the walls. Plus I’d just read James (JD) latest blog and hell to the yeah, it got my creative thought process steam rolling ideas out like Boom. Boom. Boom… (shakes fist at Red Bull company – I can see sounds. My pupils are dilated. 2 Pills I popped till my pupils lit up – Eminem. Please don’t sue me.)
On a more serious note. The short version of who this guy is, is that he is a self made success. Along with his partner in crime, they run an extremely popular adult network and work with several amazing models. (You won’t find any links here – hosting restrictions. But I’ll give you a hint… The network has the same name as that chick who was shagging that vampire in those teen vampire movies.)
The two of them started from scratch. From nothing. Literally.
JD was saying that he first decided to move to Apple products after an electrical storm fried his PC. Not having much money, he opted for the Apple Mac Mini along with a single 22″ Samsung monitor and that was basically it. That was his startup gear.
Today, he sports an Apple and camera gear setup that would make even the freakiest of IT and gadget geeks drool. Not to mention a huge ass LG monitor, fast car, a Cintiq (one of these puppies)
We were chatting online one day and he said to me; “Success is easy. It’s just that no one wants to do hard work” – JD
Kinda falls under the same advice as 8 time Mr Olympia bodybuilding champion, Ronnie Coleman; “Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but don’t nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights.”

JD has now got more involved in his partners website, more so than just running it. They perform together (if you know what I’m saying. Nudge. Nudge. Wink. Wink) Albeit it a little more of Mr JD than I care to see, it’s more his blog, business sense and attitude that I follow and admire. He has his rants. Has his ups n downs. He dreams big. He loves iPhones (Don’t ask me why :-p ), his wife and not to mention Jack. Who is Jack you ask? I’ll leave that for you to figure out. But what seems to be evident is that he’s always remained grounded. Success has never given him an ego. Just a bigger tv and faster car. For richer or poorer, his wife, has been there all the way. Just as hard working as JD, they make the perfect team.
It’s the determination. The “keep looking forward and fuck the haters” mentality that keeps me interested and going; “What’s JD and the gang up to today?”
I’ve hit him up with advice a few times. And the response has always be exemplary. Pages upon pages upon pages of info. At one stage he supplied me with a complete “recipe” of starting my own venture.
Relax mom. Relax dad. I’m not getting into porn. It’s the principles that I hope to be following to attempt my own success. More so now than ever.
My wife and I have found our situation in life changing. We’ve always thought settling down somewhere else was our main priority. Our main goal. That goal has now changed. So that means we now have the chance to pursue things in life that we really wanted to. Rather than putting everything on “hold” because of the original goal/plan.
What we hope to do is get ourselves into a situation that could allow us to work… Remotely. Spend more time abroad with our families. Mine are back in SA. And my wife’s are in OZ. If we could get something up n running to pay the bills while we are away. And I don’t mean for a week or two. I mean for 3 or 4 months, then we would truly be enjoying life. Not this Rat Race existence we currently settle for.
“Oh. It can’t be done. You need a job. You need to stay plugged in to the Matrix. You have to follow the same plan as everyone else” – Everyone else.
And to that, I say “Kiss my ass” Just because it didn’t work for you or you’re to afraid to try for yourself, don’t try bring others down who have the guts to give it a shot.
JD is living proof that doing your own thing, provided you put in the necessary work, can pay off.
I read an interesting quote the other day. “Entrepreneurs work 80 hours a week, so that they don’t have to work 40 hours a week” – Somebody
Take my mate Nic for example. He’s a wedding photographer and still has a full time job. When we were discussing shooting weddings and how much he charges, I couldn’t believe that A: He charges so much and B: people pay that. But when he broke it down for me… Top spec cameras and equipment including lenses, flash guns, batteries, memory cards, straps, bags etc. Meetings before and after with the clients. Presentation of the finished products. Travelling. Sorting and editing images. Emails etc… It basically equated to a 40+ hour week. FOR ONE WEDDING. While I still personally felt the fee was quite high, it hit me. A: People are paying it. B: You do it for love and money. So why the hell not. So my point is, that should he get let’s say 1 – 2 weddings a month, he would generate enough income to work 1 – 2 weeks per month and completely free his time to spend with family or take on commercial shoots or other work/interests.
NO. NO. NO… I’m not getting into wedding photography either. In actual fact, one of my plans is so secret, you’ll probably never ever know about it. But that’s for another time.
So, to Mr JD… I say keep up the good week. Keep growing and taking over the interweb. And I hope to share a Tim Hortons with you someday, face to face, for a casual chat and catch up. Because you sir, are indeed, one of my greatest heros.
Hello! I’ve been following your website for a long time now and finally got
the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from Porter Tx!
Just wanted to say keep up the fantastic work!