Yep. I know… It’s been a little while since I posted anything, again. But it’s really not my fault this time. No. Seriously.
We’ve spent the ass end of September moving house and it has not been fun. The whole process took us somewhere along a week, and that’s just to get settled. We’re no where near being done. Still so much to do.
This is how it looked for the first week, in a nutshell:
Day 1: Collect the rental van. Dismantle bed. Pack as much as possible and shove the rest into suitcases. Pack the rental van (Baring in mind we were staying in a 3rd floor flat) Everything had to come down those stairs, and I had to go all the way back up overtime to collect something else. We then headed to our new place and started unpacking the rental van. After which I had to reassemble the bed along with a few other items before crashing in said bed.

Day 2: Shopping. Lots of shopping. By midday I was well and truly over it. I always thought going on a shopping spree would be fun. No. No it isn’t. Besides our bed and a desk, we owned practically nothing. Not one piece of furniture. We sold or gave everything away when we went travelling. Hence the big shopping spree. TV, sofa’s, microwave, we needed almost everything. When we got back to our new place, I started assembling the new items. (Gotta love Ikea)
Day 3: After an exhausting Day 2, I woke up way to early for someone who was on leave, and went to visit a friend of mine to collect the remainder of our stuff that was in storage, in his loft. Once I returned home, the assembling continued. (Ikea. I now hate you.)
Day 4: My wife and I went back to our previous address to return the rental vehicle, which was hired from Enterprise, just up the road. I also had to pick up my own work van that had been parked up while we had the rental. After all that… And another damn early start to the day, we went back to our new place and I finished off the last bit of furniture assembly. Next step was to tackle everything that had been in storage. This was the worst of it all… Trying to decided what to keep. What to throw away. And where to put everything.
Day 5: I managed to get the entire week off work of this move, but my wife only got the first 4 days. On Friday she had to go in to work. But that was ok… I spent the whole day, literally, going through years of paperwork including gas and electric bills, bank statements and and and.
Day 6: See Day 5.
Day 7: See Day 6.
Day 8: First day back at work and I’m pretty glad that I’m not stuck doing more paperwork. I don’t think I would’ve survived a 4th consecutive day of trying “organise our lives”
As it turns out, I never got a chance to contact the phone company about installing a new line at our new place until day 4. So when I did eventually contact them to set this and our broadband, up, it was going to take around 2 weeks for it to be activated (12th October) If I had done it on day 1 of moving, we would already have our internet back up and running.

And let me tell you something about this new place we moved into… Really awesome. Very modern. Marble counter tops. Downlight’s. Hidden appliances and so on… But, it has FUCK ALL phone signal. As a matter of fact, when we are sitting downstairs my phone displays the ø symbol. There is no 3G. No 4G. No Edge. No GPRS. It’s in a complete and utter dead spot.

Now I was able to get online a little with our new broadband service provider having a Wifi Hotspot in the area. But for the last 4 days, its just been dead.
So anyway… Here I sit in bed, 10:43pm on a Monday and I feel completely disconnected from the Matrix. If I were any from that movie, I’d probably be Cypher. Don’t take the Blue Pill.. Or is it the Red? I can never remember…
Our Broadband router and gear is supposed to be delivered tomorrow, the 11th and then our line is meant to go active on the 12th.
I’ll tell you what… If it does go according to plan, it will probably mean that on Wednesday the 12th I wont be going to sleep. I’ll be pulling an all night catch up session. Running all my updates, catching up on Social Media, emails, everything.
Nothing much else has been happening this side. The move and getting settled, waiting for broadband, has taken over completely. However… I am planning a new shoot really really soon. This new house has such potential for a shoot location and I am aching to get a model in for a session.

I’m out. Early day tomorrow as I head out to Brighton for work.
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