This is a rather sensitive topic if you consider yourself either a model or a photographer. So if you think you may be easily offended or have a strong varying opinion to my own, maybe you shouldn’t read this one. But just be aware that that won’t stop me from saying what I want about this topic, especially since it is my website 🙂
Do you consider yourself to be a model? Do you take photos on your 26 mega-pixel camera phone while in provocative or sexy poses? Maybe you’re wearing some lingerie or nothing at all? Do you post these pictures all over the internet or social media websites? Good news. I don’t consider you to be a model. I consider you to be an attention seeker.
UNLESS!!!! You are indeed a paid and published model who just takes those kinds of photos to keep her fans and followers happy.
Do you have a full time job but “model” on the side line or on weekends only? Hmmm… Chances are, you are a model, albeit it an amateur or semi-professional one. My honest opinion on the matter? If it is your primary form of income and you do it consistently, as in daily or weekly all year round, and you’re intention is one of being published, then you are a model.
If you’re just doing it expecting to become the next Kate Price, earning big $$$, or just doing it hoping to make extra money from photographers/hobbyists starting out and they need someone to photograph, then… I don’t think by my definition, you’re a model. You’re more of a… Temp? Substitute?
The same goes for photographers. You’ve been down to your local camera shop and picked up your first Digital SLR. Congratulations on your purchase. I hope it’s a Nikon. *jk* Now what? Now I want to shoot boobies? I need to pay woman/models to get nekkid so I can snap up some photos. Unfortunately, that still does not make you a photographer. The industry defines this as a GWC (Guy With Cam) Your intentions might be good and you need to start some where, but unless you’re getting paid or published, I’m still of the opinion, you’re not a photographer.
NOW… I hear some of you saying; “Hang on. You don’t get paid (* That you know off because I might not advertise it *) and you have a full time job. And… And… And…”
Yes, you are 100% accurate in what you’re saying with regards to one exception; I never ever claimed to be a photographer of any status. And if I did, it was with the status of amateur. If you read under the About Me section of my website, I label myself as a GWC. I’m a guy. I have a camera. And I like taking photos.

I have a few portfolio profiles up on two or three well known hosting websites and it can be seen over and over again. Photographers who’s photos are shocking, yet they have listed themselves as semi-pro to professional and actually make a living off of it. Then there are amateur photographers that make you go; “Wow. This tog takes some breath taking photos”
This also happens with models. They list themselves as: Amateur model. Little to no experience. No references. Only accepting paid work.
That’s actually a very valid point that just popped into my head. A model/tog should also be classed by their experience. Then again, there are either with tons of experience, but still clueless.
This brings me to my next opinion. I also feel that your status as a photographer should be by an accredited institution of some sort. This goes even if you are self taught. Now, I am not saying that you have to go study photography at college or night classes, but a tog’s work should be submitted to some sort of governing body and over a period of time, the tog will build up experience and a reputation. Then, when the governing body feels the time has come, boom, you are awarded your professional status and accreditation.
I have this friend whos sister studied Photography for 4 years at University and then worked within the industry for a further 4 years. It was only after these 8 years that she was given her professional status by an accredited affiliation. Now that to me, says she is a professional. That and her photos are awesome.
Before everyone gets their panties in a twist, I’m not saying you are or are not a model/photographer (but if you’re going to get all defensive about my POV on this topic, then chances are you are not confident in your abilities) What I am saying is that it’s now to easy, with the modern technology that goes into cameras and mobile phone cameras, to consider yourself a model or tog, when you are not.
All in all though, don’t let that deter you from still trying and pursing your modelling or photography goals. I know it won’t get in my way…
Professional? Amateur? Guy With Cam? At the end of the day, I love taking photos and I’m never going to stop.

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