Now this is a “dangerous” blog for me to write as it’s a little rant about models. Models that I need so that I can arrange photo shoots to have photos to process and publish.
But my rant is more about those models, disregarding all the amazing woman I’ve met and had the privilege of capturing, that don’t really “follow the rules or instructions or requests”
I placed a Casting Call on a couple of popular portfolio hosting sites that I utilize, requesting models who are interested in working with me to respond to the casting and to please answer a few questions like their rates etc.
Instead, I got replies like this…
“interested. Please tell me more…”
“Hi. I saw your casting and I don’t work to the required levels, and I cannot accommodate with a location but…”
Maybe I should back up a little. My casting requested several things:
- Levels: no less than topless
- Location: must be able to accommodate (I don’t shoot from home and outdoors is not my thing atm)
- Rates: please supply me with your hourly/half day rates
- Availability: based on dates I put forward
As my Canadian hero says… Derp. Derp. Derp. Does not compute.
Am I expecting to much? Does it take too long to fully read through a casting? Baring in mind some photographers write a full blown essay. But I feel that if a model catches my interest, I take the time to read either her profile or casting completely. And if I have a question as something was not mentioned, I’ll contact her. Send a one line… Sometimes one word reply… “interested…” Does not convey the message that “Yes. I would really love to work with you.”
A wise and great man once told me… Work with woman. Not models. Models can sometimes come across as divas and think that you owe them something.
Anyways, having moaned about that… I’ve got 3 photoshoots booked for this month. I know.. I know… Catching up on starting so slowly. The aim/goal was 1 per month. If these 3 go according to plan, that means I am only 5 models down. So 2 a month for the rest of the year, and I might just get it done.
I know I don’t display any of my sports or other photos other than modelling, but as this is a blog, one should be ok.

Have a good one folks and keep taking photos…
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