Damn. What a long week it’s been so far. It started out “alright” but now it’s just d.r.a.g.g.i.n.g…
What’s news? Not a lot. Still trying to recover completely from this dang cold. Head still feels heavy and clogged up, right behind the eye balls. Not to mention every time I shake my head, it aches like the worst hangover ever.
Today was rather “stressful” in that I got a call out and wasn’t too confident as to what the problem was. I spent a few hours on it but have to go back tomorrow to make sure that everything is in order. I hate those kinds of jobs. The ones that aren’t as quick and simple as you would like them to be. Instead you find that you doubt yourself and are not 100% certain as to what the problem is. Anyway, let tomorrow take care of itself when it arrives.

The British MX this weekend has been cancelled. I am so bleak about that. It’s usually one of my motor sport highlights. However, the UK weather has struck again, and fucked that idea right up.
There is some other racing going on, like the DTM at Brands Hatch. I may attend the Saturday, rather than the full day racing on Sunday (If the weather even decides to play nice) The reason for this is that they use the short circuit and the available shooting spots for photographers NOT on the other side of the fence, is scarce. Usually ending up bumping and “fighting” with other photographers. Often getting their heads or shoulders in your shots. As well as… Getting the exact same shots that everyone else is getting. Don’t get me wrong, I love my motor sport photography and I love my photography, but I also love excitement. And standing all huddled in the same corner as 20 – 30 other togs, shooting the exact same shot, just isn’t my idea of “good or exciting” photography.
I’ll cross that bridge when the weekend eventually rolls around.
I received an message from another photographer asking me a question about the Nikon D7000 (my new camera and he has one too I guess) He was asking;
“Hope you don’t mind me contacting you but I have a Nikon D7000 and the image counter and SD card icon are always showing even when the camera is switched off. The only way I can get rid of the above is to remove the battery when the camera is not in use for any length of time.
Is the above normal? Or do I have a fault with mine?”
Now, I know I had a problem with my D90 once, where the camera was accessing the memory card all the time. Even when it was turned off. This was causing the battery to deplete at a stupidly fast rate. But, I sent it in to Nikon as it was still under warranty and less than 2 weeks later it was back. They replaced part of the circuit board or something. If you had a similar problem then I suggest doing a web search for “Green light of death Nikon”

Getting back to my e-mailers question… As I sit here, in bed, on the laptop, typing up this blog, both my D7000 batteries are on charge. I know. I take my camera with to work these days, should I get an opportunity to use it. And somehow it managed to “turn itself on” inside it’s carry bag, which resulted in 2 depleted batteries.
However, I did a quick search on my favorite search engine and it appears as if it is normal for the D7000 to have the Image Counter and SD card icon showing.
The second my first battery is charged, I will pop it into my camera and check it out. * Which appears to be right now. *

Yep, put the charged battery in and the LCD sprung to life showing the SD card icons and image counter. So this appears normal 🙂

Just finished dinner and watched the latest episode of Spartacus. It’s our thing. We tend to record several series on TV then get obsessed with them. We been through Game of Thrones, Newsroom, Spartacus. Still busy with season 7 of House. I did Sopranos from season 1 straight to the last one. I used to watch Chuck, but that doesn’t seem to be on any more, or any new ones coming out either.
Right. Wife has just told me to turn down the music blasting out the laptop. She is done with her bath and now it’s her bed time. Sheesh… So demanding.
But yeah, we both got early starts to the day tomorrow. Pity its not Friday.
Take it easy ya’lls. Almost weekend. Hang in there.
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