For as long as I have been playing with web design and then photography, Photoshop has ALWAYS been my program of choice. With the decision to take up photography, I added Bridge and Camera Raw to the mix.
I had played around in earlier versions of Lightroom. Even purchased Lightroom 4 but only for the main purpose of using it’s Tethered Shooting option. Never really clicked with it.
That is, until a few short months ago. I decided to give it a “real chance” and have not regretted it since. It is now my go-to-program for everything photographic that I do. I still use Photoshop, but it all the main stuff I do is done in Lightroom.
So what I thought I would do, very quickly, is put together a short list of keyboard shortcuts that I have come to know and love and use almost all the time.
Firstly, I am going to assume that you have some very basic LR knowledge, in that you are aware that LR has a Library Module and a Develop Module.
The shortcuts I will be mentioning are what I use in the two modules.
Library Module:
– Grid View (G)
– Zoom into selected photo/Loupe View (Spacebar – You can also use the E key)
Develop Module:
– Develop Module (D)
– Crop Overlay (Q)
– Healing Brush (R)
– Undo (Ctrl + Z/Cmd + Z)
Sure there are tons more shortcut keys, but I find, for my workflow, these are the ones I use most often.
I’ll have more involved tutorials and shortcuts and so on coming along, as I learn them. 🙂
Feel free to contact me with any of your fav tips/tricks for LRoom of Photoshop and maybe I can post them up on here.
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