This is, allegedly, Kristi XXXX… (XXXX denotes the last name of her handle which I won’t be publishing coz I’m not out to slander anyones “reputation or good name”)
Kristi apparently uses Crowdfire to “grow” her Social Media presence. Now having used it myself, I understand how it works. Repost. Comments. Likes. Etc… Most of it is Automated or Suggested content to display. And kudos to her. I wish her ALL the luck in the world.
Before I continue… Let me get this out the way, I DO NOT have an issue with this person. This is NOT a vindictive out-to-get-them exercise. What this is is an example of people who are trying to get ahead using apps or social media manager platforms, like Crowdfire, without understanding how they work. (I’ve used Crowdfire a little. It’s a good tool. So once again, I’m not out to slag them off either.)
So let’s set the scene. I woke up one morning recently with a notification that one of my images was Reposted. Awesome news. Right? Yes… And No. Unfortunately, I don’t always post my images with the same spec/sizes as an Instagram post. I prefer them similar to their original dimensions. Widescreen if you will.
But what the Crowdfire App does is repost that image to Instagrams dimensions and then BOOOOOOM… So on top of deferred picture quality, my logo/watermark also gets cut off.
Now this USUALLY wouldn’t be a problem as I’m USUALLY still tagged in the image some how. However… At times, these ppl get more likes and comments for the image than I originally did and I get little to NO trickle down exposure, as in new followers or comments. So why should I allow this to happen? It’s my work. It’s branded with my name. I paid money for that shoot. I spent the time sorting through and editing the images.
Am I being petty? Some of you might say yes… But if it were an image from Ansell Adams, Annie Liebovitz or even Chase Jarvis, do you think they would just let it go? Plumbers, bricklayers, doctors etc They don’t do their craft for free. Why should I just give my stuff away willy nilly.
So no… I don’t think I will take this lying down, thanks.
Well… What ensued was a lot of going back and forth. I had to reach out to her from my Landscape Photography Insta Account, and some people I know got involved and messaged her and and and…. It’s a bit too long winded to do a whole write up and post all the images, but I do have the screenshots to prove my side of the story.
So she finally removed the image then proceeded to block me again, on my Landscape Photography Insta. Being the type of person who likes to try get the last word in, I did a little Googling and found her on Twitter. I proceed to drop her a short little message to say Thanks and have a good day. This was the reply I woke up to at 2am UK time.
Now please…. Tell me if you think this kinda shit is harassment. But also… Bare in mind, this recently happened too. “Online photos can’t be used without permission, EU Court Rules”
I get that people or trying to get ahead in this crazy world we live in. Whether it be via Social Media, or their respective industries. But trying to get ahead at the expense of someone else’s work is not on.
I’ve updated my Instagram with some new “rules” for using or reposting my work, along with a little © Copyright Symbol. Let’s see how it goes… Coz next time I don’t even think I’ll contact the person, I’ll just take it up with Instagram directly.
Anyway….. It’s done and dusted. I just needed to clear the air, at least for my own peace of mind. And possibly to have a little rant.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency, social media platform, or the person in question. This article was written to educate and not to defecate on said persons “good” name.
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