So, it’s been a little while since I have had anything to say. But let me just crack on with it.
My Facebook Page was slowly climbing in likes. It went out maybe around 15. But what I have also started noticing, that for every like, or few likes, someone or maybe its a Facebook conspiracy, decides to Unlike my page. Which isn’t a problem. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. At the end of the day, I do this for me. And because I enjoy it.
We’ve recently come back off holiday from Fuertaventura, in the Canary Islands. And it certainly does get a person thinking about life. Do I want to chase the money and work 80 – 100 hours per week? Or do I want to pay the bills, have some change in my pocket for a new gadget or adventure, while sitting and spending my days watching the sun set over some of the bluest seas I have ever been lucky to see? White sands. Topless bikini babes. Cocktails. And of course, the company of my amazing soulmate. I think the latter is where we want to be.
So we have had to reevaluate or life goals and plans. Rather than chasing a place to settle down in, we may try chasing freedom from the “office” so we can travel and work from anywhere where I can set up a laptop, and there is an internet connection.
In other news, work has started to settle down, after a busy summer. So the breather and ability to not get so stressed is a good thing. On the other hand, money coming in from the overtime is a little less. But that’s not alway a bad thing, as mentioned above. Do I want more time/freedom? Or do I wanna chase the all mighty dolla.
My secret project is making slow head way. But making head way none the less. I am hoping to launch it early 2015. Then push as hard as I can at populating it’s databases and generating traffic.
I was on the hunt for a newer camera bag. Originally I was looking for of a walk around, sling type bag. One that would only fit the neccessities while I was out n about. It’s not to say that my current bag is not doing the job, it’s just that I find it a little “overkill” Especially for something like when I am shooting a Motocross event. I will usally keep my 70–200 lens on all the time. So why carry all these extra lenses or even a laptop? Kind of pointless if you ask me.
So what I ended up with was the Tamrac Evolution 8, which was second hand but cost me nothing more than a trade of my small shoulder Lowpro bag. — Thanks Gazza
I have yet to go out with it, as I only received it Monday, but it am hoping to do so soon.
Other than that folks… I have re-invented the look of my website and slowly getting to grips with it all. Hope you like the new look.
I’m going to leave you with a few items from our trip to Fuertaventura.
Have a kick ass weekend. I’m on call/working the whole time… Sucks ass.

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