This is day number 3 of full blown “man flu”. Head throbbing. Nose blocked and runny. Hot. Sweaty. Dehydrated. Man down… Call for back up.
The worse thing is that this is weekend number 2, in a row, with my camera just sitting on my desk. Last weekend my wife had a cold/flu and I spent it taking care of her. How the tables have turned. Now she is at my every beck & call. Mwahahaha…
Work has been, work. I guess a job is a job is a job, when it’s not your passion. Days have been longer than what I am used to, but at least the weekend work hasn’t begun yet. On the plus side, longer hours mean overtime, meaning a little bit of extra cash in the pocket, which means… CAMERA GOODIES!!!

This might be a long and boring blog, but, that’s the beauty of having your own website. You can just waffle on, get everything off your chest. Even if it doesn’t make any sense.
The shit thing is that I was really looking forward to shooting at Lydden Hill today as well. Rallycross would have provided some amazing shot opportunities. But, there you go. Guess that’s the way these things go. I would rather ‘sacrifice’ a weekend of shooting to recover from the flu, than go to work all day feeling crappy. I did that yesterday and let me tell you… The. Day. Just. Would. Not. End.
If the weather is better tomorrow and I’m feeling up to it, I might take a drive to Brands Hatch as there is some bike racing going on. At least the weekend wont be a total bust with shooting. There are several other things I want to try out anyway, like shooting in JPG, rather than RAW. WHAT???Shooting in JPG???

Yeah, several top sports photographers on the forums have told me that they often shoot sporting events in JPG. Especially like motorsport photography. It allows for faster Frames Per Second shooting, if you don’t have top spec Nikon D4, 600mm lens, 128gig card type equipment.
I should be confident enough in my ‘abilities’ to know how to set up the camera to get decent enough shots in with JPG. That was supposed to be todays experiment, but, here I sit on the couch, with laptop on a pillow, crap on TV in the background.
Wonder if I should start writing reviews? I suppose, I don’t have a wide variety of equipment to write about, but maybe I could just write about what I have?
I posted a new photo on my Facebook page and then another tog, who shall remain nameless, and whom I haven’t spoken to since the 29th January 2013. hell, I have never even met him in the flesh. He drops me a message out the blue on the Facebook messenger and it read just like this:
“wotcha! Have to say not a fan of your latest upload. She looks ill. From the shoulder backwards is lit OK. Awkward pose as well…. Sorry dude. “

No “Hello. How are you? Like your new photo, but just a few pointers…” Nothing. Just Boom. It sucks.
Now, I admit, there was an issue here and there. Maybe I could’ve lightened the face a little more. The angle makes her arm look a little large compared to the rest of her” And I don’t expect him to blow smoke up my ass. But people glass houses, shouldn’t throw bricks. Or stones. Or anything at all, in my opinion.
A: He’s been shooting way longer than me. B: He has a studio space that he can use. C: As far as I know, he’s single, so doesn’t have a wife to spend time with. D: He works shifts, so can arrange shoots during the week. E: Just found it fucking annoying, that’s all.
I discussed his work with another photographer and tog #2 was like, “Really? He’s criticizing you? For someone who has been published and shoots as often as he does (52 shoots last year, give or take, from what I recall) some lighting was crap. Some angles were crap. And tons of shots were over sharpened due to being out of focus”
But without sounding like a complete and utter little moaning whiny cow, he does take some decent shots from time to time. Not really my style or what I want to achieve, but hey, that’s just his way of doing things.
OK. Little ranting moment over.
Even in my ‘fragile’ state, I still need to go out and drop off the wife at the hairdresser. She spends small fortunes on hair and clothes, I spend it on camera gear and gadgets.
Guess we all gotta have our vices.
Let me crack on with some more website work. Gotta add some more content for the calendar and sooner or later finish the contact page.
Have a good weekend yoh.
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