UPDATE: Model has responded to my message to please remove the images from the Profile in question. All very amicable and polite and professional. That’s how shit gets done and that’s why I love working with the models I have.
This fucking shit is getting old now.
It’s something I’ve said before. It’s something that is written into all my Model Release Documents that get signed by models whom I’VE PAID for a shoot.
And I quote;
“f) I confirm that no images will be taken, used, altered or shared on any platform, including but not limited to websites, social media, magazines, newspapers and/or prints, without proper consent from Alexis &/or their heirs or legal representatives. Should consent be given all images shall be correctly displayed and tagged, IE: The full image watermark will be clearly shown & Alexis shall be tagged in the displayed image under which ever brand name is chosen”
End Quote.
So why is it that I am coming across this????
I assume models think it’s ok to just post my work without asking or giving me credit in the form of a tag or a mention. I assume models don’t actually read the Model Releases that I spent time putting together, and printing and asking them to read and sign.
Now please don’t take this post the wrong way. I’ve been very fortunate to get on or like all the models I have worked with. Love them all to bits… It’s a strictly working professional platonic kinda way.
But this shit just grates my bloody carrot!!!
Anyway… I’ve politely messaged the model regarding the use of these images. So let’s see how this time around.
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