So, here I am with my first official post on my brand new website. I say first, because the previous one was actually just to let who ever visits this site, in its incomplete state, know that not to panic. She will be completed soon. Its just taking time sorting out all the little kinks and photo information. Having to manually type up titles and content can take several hours, if not days. Then there are the spelling and typing mistakes. Press the wrong mouse button. Starting all over again. Yep… That’s the name of the game.
Now that I am here, what is there to say? Not a hell of a lot really. Weekend has been quiet. Lots of lie ins and sleeping late. Got out yesterday for some lunch at the Spur at the O2 Dome and got several nice photographs. Some have already been edited and can be found in the latest images on the home page.
I have had a week off work, as I am starting a new job tomorrow, so managed to get a lot of work on this website completed. Considering its been in “production” since towards the end of 2012.
March promises to be a busy month of shooting, especially on the motor sport side of things. Be sure to have a look at my calendar to find out what events I have listed. I might see you there, provided it’s not on a weekend where I am working. Oh the joys of my full time, day job.
New camera has taken a little getting used to, but seem to be getting the hang of it now.
Just looking forward to the summer so I can shoot as much as possible. Sitting indoors during the winter can be a real drag on ones creative spark.
On that note, here’s a little joke I got sent and found it rather funny. Kids do the funniest things sometimes…

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