As I sit here, on my iPad mini, using my little portable workstation I decided to write more about other photographers, and their work, rather than my own.
I’m sure I did one of these before where I wrote about German based photographer Simon Bolz an since this website is dedicated purely to my nude art photography, I will be keeping my fav artists list to the same genre.
Some of these you may of heard of. Some of them you may not. And some of them may be no more “famous” than their 500px accounts, but I still find their work inspiring and tasty.
First one up is:
Dan Hecho
Who is he? Dan is a professional photographer from the Ukraine. He now appears to travel the world teaching and giving workshops on photography.
Why do you like his work? He has a very contrasty style to his editing. And in most cases appears to favour more of a blue almost moody tone. Take the image below. It seems as if he has adjusted the colour temperature more towards the cooler scale. Another reason I love his work is that a vast amount of his models he uses are absolutely stunning.
Aleksander Mavrin
Who is he? Aleksander looks like how I would expect the offspring of some Russian mobster to look. And by that I basically mean the appearance of his lifestyle. The dude flies to some of the most beautiful and exotic 5 star locations, in style. In fact, it appears as if he has his own private jet that takes him and his band of spectacular models, to wherever their next “assignment” is.
Is it all photography money? Does he get paid extremely well to photograph and have his models promote products/brands? Or is he rich kid money? In all honesty, I have no idea. And don’t really care. You cannot take away from the fact that he takes some really extraordinary images with flawless models in locations that make the rest of us mere mortals green with envy.
Why do you like his work? It would be wrong of me to say I like his work because he’s a great photographer. Now, I’m not taking away from his photography skills, but just look at the locations he shoots in. Just look at the ladies he works with. Come on… Who wouldn’t admire this man?
Fedor Shmidt
Who is he? What are they putting in the water there in Russia? They seem to be spitting out spectacular models and talented photographers like it ain’t no thang. Another talented photographer that seems to have the life most people only dream about. Again, is he a Rich Kid or it Pure Talent that’s high in demand and he Gets Paid Well? I have no idea…
Why do you like his work? Fedor has been around for a little while as well. I can’t tell you the first time I stumbled across him but I think it was with one of those images of his where he was pulling on a models underwear and he has a very distinctive arm sleeve tattoo. His arm is covered in eyes.
As before, I like his work in part due to the fucking extreme hotness of his models. I guess this begs the question… Does that make these photographers great photographers? Or just really good ones as their models are just that dope. None the less. Love his work.
Now that I’m all depressed… I’ll wrap up this blog.
There are some amazing and talented people, photographers and models out there in this world of ours. Some truly lucky people.
Get out and shoot. Pick up your camera. Go out. Shoot.
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