Video is something I have had a keen interest in for awhile. It’s just never been an avenue I’ve actually attempted to explore.
“Will I need to purchase a dedicated Video Camera?”
“How much time does it take to edit a video?”
“Will I get sued for using ppls music?”
Blah blah etc etc… These are just some of the questions I asked myself without ever actually delving into them to find answers.
Then one day, almost as a 2018 New Years Resolution, if you can believe that…. I just decided, fuck it. Can’t be any more challenging than a photoshoot.
I’m here to tell you… Fuck That. It is!!!!! Keeping the footage as steady as possible, keeping focus using a DSLR, trying to see if something is in focus on the tiny DSLR screen, keeping focus……. It’s a LOT of work. Then there’s the hours upon hours of editing, cutting, scraping all timeline footage and starting again, matching the beat of the song and so on and so on and so on…..
Nonetheless… I here giving it a proper attempt. And I feel the final result wasn’t too bad.
Check out the video below and please feel free to comment.
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