Jess was an absolute peach. One of my favs. By far. She braved the public transport system to trek all the way down to my location in Kent and I’m ...
Kelly Hathaway
2018 has gotten off to a busier start than all my other years of shooting. I've already had 3 different shoots in January. And 2 of those were with ...
Had my second shoot with Serenity and it probably went better than the first. As a matter of fact, I recorded it all on my trusty GoPro cameras. ...
I had my first shoot with Serenity the other day and it will most definitely not be the last. Her pre-comms were brilliant along with keeping in touch ...
Jodie Ellen
This is my 3rd shoot with Jodie and the 2nd this year. Anything I write wouldn't do her justice. Jodie is a seriously professional young woman, an ...
After a long break from photography I had my first shoot back with the wonderful Lilu. She responded to my casting and pre-comms were clear and to the ...
Jodel Ellen
What can I say about Jodie that hasn't already been said? This is my second shoot with her, since 2013, and man did it not disappoint. Jodie's ...
I have absolutely NO IDEA how this gallery was never posted. Maybe I thought I did it, when actually, I didn't. KacieJames... I've worked with her ...
I'm not going to lie... I was a little nervous about my first shoot back for 2016. My last one was Rosa and that was around what.... July 2015? ...
Shooting Pippa way back in 2011 was interesting. Mostly in that I was still trying to figure out this photography thing. For example, I was using an ...