Just logged onto my site from my Samsung Galaxy S3... This could be both fun and interesting. Watch this space. Time to go back to work. Meh. Enjoy ...
Camera Cleaning
I suppose you could argue that this particular tutorial should fall under the photography category. But seeing as how I did one about keyboard ...
Come on weekend
Coming to you straight from my iPad on this semi sunny Wednesday. I hope you are all well. Or at least the one person that I know reads these things ...
Models And Photographers
This is a rather sensitive topic if you consider yourself either a model or a photographer. So if you think you may be easily offended or have a ...
Using a tablet
Today’s Photoshop tutorial is going to be more a recommendation rather than an actual tutorial. And it's more of a hardware recommendation compared to ...
Sunday Night
And, here we are again. In bed, on a Sunday, Monday morning teasing us with its wicked advances. Hmmm... That was a little too poetic. Not quite like ...
Mid Week
Damn. What a long week it's been so far. It started out "alright" but now it's just d.r.a.g.g.i.n.g... What's news? Not a lot. Still trying to ...
Having a cold, sux
This is day number 3 of full blown "man flu". Head throbbing. Nose blocked and runny. Hot. Sweaty. Dehydrated. Man down... Call for back up. The ...
Glorious Monday
Hey ho... Hey ho... Monday is at least over. It was a busy and "productive" day. Not so much for me, but more for the engineer I was shadowing ...
iPad blog
Well, how awesome is this? It appears as if I can update my blog directly from my iPad. I don't have much to say, but thought it was pretty damn ...