So... Here we are again. Just a few snaps from the past week or so at work and what ...
Lightroom Shortcuts
For as long as I have been playing with web design and then photography, Photoshop has ALWAYS been my program of choice. With the decision to take up ...
My week in pictures
I felt like doing something a little different. So decided to "write" a blog on how my week was going, in photo form. Let's see how it ...
What’s new pussycat?
Hey ya'll... What's been going on? How the hell have you all been? Me? Iām just dandy. Been so busy and kind of lazy/demotivated. Work has ...
Folder Management
So I been reading up on some Lightroom 5 and a very important topic was discussed kn folder management. How to make sure your photos aren't scattered ...
Missing In Action
I'm pretty sure some you are thinking that I'm a real slacker when it comes to keeping this website updated or even to writing blogs. Trust me when I ...
Let the good times roll
Man, how scarce have I been? This new job, as I may or may not have mentioned, is keeping me pretty busy. Most of last week was a 50 ā 60 hour week. ...
My arch enemy
Mondays. Blag... Not a big fan at all. Especially coz of days like this. Yesterday the weather was awesome. Sun shining. Clear skies. Which were a ...
T T T Tuesday
What is happening folks? How is you day looking? Well, for me it is a 4 day work week, so will try keep the moaning down to a minimum. The weekend ...
Bank Holiday Monday
So, have you all enjoyed your bank holiday Monday. Those of you in the UK that is. What's that? Did I? Not really. No. Work started out quiet which ...