Disclaimer: This is going to be a little bit of a rant... If you're not into reading about peoples bad moods or reading about them venting said bad ...
GoPro Hero 4
Yep. They've gone and done it again. Everything I wanted upgrade on the new GoPro they have gone and done. Pros: Auto low light (better low ...
So. I've always wondered who or where our if even, people visit my website. Because, let's face it... I'm not a professional or even a semi ...
Well, here we are on another Sunday evening and tomorrow is Monday. It's been an alright weekend. Pretty productive in all things not-photography. ...
Random Images
Been going through my phone and just decided to "blog" using some of the random images I have taken and found. ...
My fxxxing hero
This post is about people who work in the adult industry. If this is something that offends you, rather head on to my home page to view some awesome ...
So, it's been a little while since I have had anything to say. But let me just crack on with it. My Facebook Page was slowly climbing in likes. It ...
Office away from the office
So I have been trying to find an iPad keyboard that I can use to do work when I am not at home or near my pc. Today, I found one. It was cheap. REALLY ...
Nikon D7000 Body and Battery grip for sale
I have a second hand Nikon D7000 body with genuine Nikon MB-D11 Battery grip for sale. Camera and grip are both well looked after and in great ...
Finally been shooting…
So its been a busy old wknd for me as far as photo shoots are concerned. I managed to shoot @CharleyAtwell on Saturday at her home for 4 hours. Then a ...