Every so often I will post a Casting Call looking for a model for a photoshoot. And I'm usually quite particular in my choices, especially if I am the ...
11 Week Challenge
So, in true Lex Style I've completely fallen off the photography wagon again. In fact... I'm trying to think about the last time I actually used my ...
Shooting With Me
Ever wondered what it's like to work with me? Then have a look at this little video I put together from my first shoot with the stunning JemmaFunge ...
**SOLD – Manfrotto Pro Light Backpack MB PL 3N1 25
Selling my Manfrotto Pro Light Backpack MB PL 3N1 25. Used maybe half a dozen times since purchase from brand new. Comes with the ...
Favourite Artists
As I sit here, on my iPad mini, using my little portable workstation I decided to write more about other photographers, and their work, rather ...
D750 3rd Recall
So, for what I beleive to be the 3rd time, Nikon have put out a statement recalling all their Nikon D750 cameras. I have to be hinest, this ...
Shooting Jodie
Last time I shot with Jodie was back in 2013. 4 years have since, flown by. So it was about time that we put a date on the calendar for a ...
Photographers don’t get praise
So recently I had a model, Lucifera, share an image of mine that I took of her, on her Facebook page. And out of the 52 current comments, 0ver 200 ...
Where have you been?
That's a little bit of a tough one to answer. And as I type this, I realise, actually maybe it's not. When my wife and I returned from our ...
Do Models Make The Difference?
This is a question I've now been asked a few times by a few photographers starting out and my answer is usually always the same. Yes & ...