I think my last blog was probably around 10 months ago. I don’t know… I just kind’ve lost the flavour for it.
I’m  pretty sure no one reads these things anyway. Well… At least I know Nic does. Because he likes to message me and make fun of my misery.
So what’s been going on then? Loads and nothing at all, really.
First, on the camera front. I’ve finally upgraded to the Full Frame Frenzy. I got myself the Nikon D750, with battery grip and also threw in a 24 -70 f 2.8 lens.

Secondly, I probably have around 30 full working days left, give or take a few. For those that don’t know, my wife and I have sold most of what we own. TV, couches, bed, microwave etc are all gone… And we have moved in with my brother in law and his wife. It’s a tiny little room. Barely big enough for a double bed and a small cupboard.
You see, we have decided to quit London life indefinitely. We’ll be exploring and travelling for 6 months, before returning to the UK to regroup and suss out our financial situation. After which, if all goes well, we should be heading off to our next destination.
We’ve just had enough of the Rat Race, the weather and recently have been enjoying the great outdoors, by going hiking and camping. It’s such a peaceful and enjoying way of life.

Our first stop will be South Africa in January 2016 to visit my parents. And then we are off to Western Australia for 3 months. Where we hope to get loads of videos and photos and explore as much as possible. Part of the trip will hopefully be a couple of weeks spent in Tasmania.
But I will get more into that when our travel website launches.
I haven’t been able to shoot as many models as I would like to have for 2015. As it stands now, I may make a last ditch effort to get one or two done. Just for some fresh new photos to edit. And try out my new MagMod Speedlight Modifiers.
For now… I’ll keep this blog sort n sweet. Don’t want to over do it for my first time back. LoL

I’ll leave you with an photo that I took with the D750 of the mood, under my LudapixPhotography label.

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