So, have you all enjoyed your bank holiday Monday. Those of you in the UK that is. What’s that? Did I? Not really. No. Work started out quiet which meant that I did not have any call outs to attend. Things were going well and it was looking like I would be allowed to sit at home as a result of there being no calls. But then… At just before 11am, dum dum dum. The work phone rings.
“Hi Lex. I know it’s not your area that you cover but we only have 2 engineers around that area, would you mind going to Aldgate for a call?”
“Yeah. Shoooooore… No problem” Grumble. Grumble. Grumble.
But to be fair, the traffic was quiet. It was only a 35 minutes drive from my house and the parking was free. The one job was just to diagnose the issue as the item was brand new and still under warranty. The office would be sending the suppliers back to repair it, once I told them the problem.
Job #2 at the same site, was also pretty easy, except I didn’t have the necessary items in my vehicle to repair it. So you know what that means? Tomorrow I get to go SHOPPING. Whoop Whoop.
Need to replace some van stock that I used on other jobs and also get some items that I need to complete future jobs.
My new company that I work for is all about first time fixes (FTF). And my current FTF are pretty low atm. Not always having what I need on-board to get the job done.
Otherwise, I’m sure you’re not really interested in my work day. Or the lack there of today.
I managed to get home early though, so got “out” and “about” with my camera. Attached the 50mm f1.8 prime and… Into my backyard I went. LoL.
Well… It was still a work day. Innit.
Played around with some ISO settings, the Auto-Focus and also trying to get some lens flares. Shot directly into the sun. Gave a relatively basic lens flare, not quite what I had hoped for. But keep on trying…
Also been toying around with what I call “not normal photography” So basically, instead of shooting a set of Venusian blinds straight on, I turn myself/camera on it’s head. Try different angles, camera settings, try get as abstract as I can. In all honesty though, I probably only fired of around 50 images this afternoon, so will be keeping that batteries on charge for future walkabouts and snap up what I can. Especially now with the weather getting “better” I can just take a local walk around the neighbourhood.
What else? What else? Seriously… Not a lot. Work has been keeping me busy into the late afternoons/evenings. Occasionally getting home anything from 19:00 – 22:00, which sux. But gotta try get my dollars up so can start spending on camera stuff and models again.
Had friends over a weekend or two ago. They got here late on Friday night and what was meant to be a few beers before bed turned into a 5am stint, with us being up at 8am to head on down to Lydden Hill for the drifting.
Wow… You guys must think I lead the most boring life as I haven’t blogged in awhile yet there is nothing to day. Haha…
Oh well… That’s just the way it goes. Might start writing shorter blogs, but more frequently. In the mean time… Here are a few items to keep you amused.

Not sure if I have posted this video before, but I’m posting it again as I watch it OFTEN. Not because of the ladies in bikini’s, but because of the lifestyle. How amazing must it be to make a living doing what you love to do. PS: I also watch it in part for the ladies 😉
Please note: That the images that are not watermarked were not taken by Catchlight Creations. They are purely for fun and some discussion
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