I guess that it’s safe to say that I have literally fallen off the face of the earth. But that’s only half true. Unfortunately it’s in the photography department that I’ve been slacking.
In other aspects off my life I’ve been way too busy. Like at work… As I sit here typing this on my Galaxy Note 3, I’m currently in Tottenham doing work.
But why so quiet with photography. I guess I kinda “lost” my way. Maybe lost a little interest. Didn’t feel like I was achieving anything. On top of that, my time has been divided amongst new ideas and extra hobbies.
Recently I decided to get back into paintball. I used to play back when I lived in South Africa. But this… This is something revolutionary. You wouldn’t look at this paintball marker (it’s not a gun. It’s a marker. Know the difference) and think it’s just that. A marker.
No… This is a whole other style and league of playing paintball. It’s called MagFed. Any ideas as to why? Yep. Coz you load your paintballs into a magazine, just like you would with a real rifle. No more gas tanks in the way. No more big hoppers that hold 500 paintballs. No more spray n pray (a term used for regular paintball players who shoot 100s of paintballs in the hope of hitting their target) No. This is tactical. This is limited ammo. This. Is. As. Real. As. It. Gets. No more sitting on the sofa or pc playing Battlefield or Call Of Duty. Now we modify our markers. Modify our gear. Flank from the left. Wear full camo sniping gear. Anything more realistic and you’d probably not walk out in one piece.
So, as I was saying, this new little hobby has kept me quite busy. There’s travelling to games, researching new load outs. Watching YouTube videos and all the rest that goes with it.
Now I know what you’re gonna say. “NERD ALERT. NERD ALERT” Too which I easily reply; “YOURE GODDAMM RIGHT I AM”
Back to photography. Over the last few eels I have fallen in love with Photoshop and my Wacom Intuos 5 tablet all over again. It has renewed my enthusiasm for wanting to shoot (photos. Not paintballs) So much so, I was trying to decide to finally upgrade to an FX camera body or add another pro lens to my arsenal. It was the lens that won.
Am currently trying to get my hands on the Nikkor 24 – 70mm f2.8 lens. A lens most pros rever as “a must have” It will be a good one to have and as part of the Holy Trinity. 14 – 24. 24 – 70. 70 – 200. (Am open to correction on he focal length of the first lens.) I have the last lens. 70-200. The 24-70 will make my lens package real complete. Throw in 2 prime lenses 35 mm f1.8 and 50 mm f1.8. Along with the kit lens of 18-105 f3.5 – f5.6. My kit bag will be more than sufficient for the time being.
As much as I LOVE sports photography, especially motocross, I’m going to have to take a little bit of a back seat with it. Or not. Will see how things pan out.
Why you ask? Well, my little D7000 is not fully weather sealed and I’m picking up lots of dust issues. With the cost of my gear, and especially since I’m not loaded to the girls with 100 dolla bills (see what I did there?) I have to look after my gear ad best possible. Otherwise send it into Nikon for constant cleaning. But as I write this, I kinda hear how much of a pussy I sound. Photography is meant to be rough and tough. Especially sports… So I may take that statement back.
Other than that… Work. Saving money. Oh… Went to Rome for a few days with the wife. I need to SERIOUSLY get down to editing some of those pics, then post a link to them. CatchLight Creations is now officially purely for my modelling photography. Going to look at some other options for a separate website. I also want to try find the time to make this website… More professional looking. Need to get onto of some more website coding lingo. Make it my own.
Alright peeps. Or whoever of you are bored enough to venture to this blog. Take it easy. Have a great week. I’ll try not to stay away again for such such a long time.
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