Another one of those incredibly popular and experienced models is Charley. Very comfortable and confident in front of the camera. She didn't need much ...
Lou Heart
When Lou sent me a message about working together, she was still pretty new to the modelling scene. However, that didn't deter me one bit from making ...
So, it's been a little while since I have had anything to say. But let me just crack on with it. My Facebook Page was slowly climbing in likes. It ...
Office away from the office
So I have been trying to find an iPad keyboard that I can use to do work when I am not at home or near my pc. Today, I found one. It was cheap. REALLY ...
Nikon D7000 Body and Battery grip for sale
I have a second hand Nikon D7000 body with genuine Nikon MB-D11 Battery grip for sale. Camera and grip are both well looked after and in great ...
Finally been shooting…
So its been a busy old wknd for me as far as photo shoots are concerned. I managed to shoot @CharleyAtwell on Saturday at her home for 4 hours. Then a ...
Now this is a "dangerous" blog for me to write as it's a little rant about models. Models that I need so that I can arrange photo shoots to have ...
Back to it…
I guess that it's safe to say that I have literally fallen off the face of the earth. But that's only half true. Unfortunately it's in the photography ...
Still alive…
Yep. I am. Just barely... life has thrown so many curve balls at me for 2014, I kind've wish I was back in 2013. And that's admitting defeat. I ...
I'd worked with Charlie once before, she's the ultimate Girl Next Door. Having been involved in several music videos and loads of urban fashion ...