Last time I shot with Jodie was back in 2013. 4 years have since, flown by. So it was about time that we put a date on the calendar for a ...
Photographers don’t get praise
So recently I had a model, Lucifera, share an image of mine that I took of her, on her Facebook page. And out of the 52 current comments, 0ver 200 ...
I have absolutely NO IDEA how this gallery was never posted. Maybe I thought I did it, when actually, I didn't. KacieJames... I've worked with her ...
Where have you been?
That's a little bit of a tough one to answer. And as I type this, I realise, actually maybe it's not. When my wife and I returned from our ...
Do Models Make The Difference?
This is a question I've now been asked a few times by a few photographers starting out and my answer is usually always the same. Yes & ...
Social Media
This is a little bit of a rant that I've been building up towards for a while. Especially after my wife returned from travelling for 6 months. We ...
2016 in Review
2016 has now officially been my slowest year since purchasing my very first Nikon around 5 years ago. To be fair though, the first half of the year ...
New Gadget
Having back up power when on the go, now days, is almost a must. This is especially true if you don't work in an office environment, or in a location ...
Moving Sux
Yep. I know… It’s been a little while since I posted anything, again. But it’s really not my fault this time. No. Seriously. We’ve spent the ass end ...
Models, Do This
A while back I wrote a little post based on what I feel photographers should not do when it comes to models. Or rather how not to behave when ...