I’ve had the great fortune of working with some really amazing models and woman. Most of whom have been kind enough to leave me some awesome testimonials and references. And those that haven’t… Well, they probably just haven’t bothered or have forgotten. One thing I know to be true about the more popular models I’ve worked with is that they are extremely busy.
I have always been pretty comfortable around the ladies I have worked with and as such have been able to talk to them. Talk as if we have known each other for ages. I’ve asked their opinions on certain aspects of our shoot and shown them images off the back of the camera to get their input. I’ve talked to them about their families, boyfriends, husbands, memorable photo shoots and travel destinations. I’ve had them tell me their stories, gossips and adventures.
Along with all the talking and “gossiping” I have been able to find out what it is they don’t like. Whether this has come directly from themselves or just that have been smart enough to figure it out. So what I’ve decided to do, for this post, is point out a few things to other photographers, on what I feel you should, most definitely, NOT do on a photo shoot:
- DO NOT invade a models private space – When communicating or directing a model, do not go inside her personal space.
- DO NOT harass her in anyway – This is especially true with communication such as emails, social media messages or texts.
- DO NOT stare at a models nude bits – Yes they look pretty. Yes they make men go all mushy between the ears. If you have to look, do it covertly. Pay the model the respect she deserves.
Boobs Stare - DO NOT hang around as a model is changing – Just because a shoot is topless or nude does not entitle you to hang around to watch them change. Refer to the previous DO NOT 1 and DO NOT 3.
- DO NOT EVER assume it OK to touch a model in anyway. EVER – Ask before moving some hair, positioning her arm. You do not grab her boob or pinch her bum.
Bum Slap - DO NOT work in complete silence – If you are not the talkative type, then have some music playing or put the TV on for some background noise.
- DO NOT arrive 30 minutes early – If you are shooting at a models location, her time begins at the prearranged time. Shooting from 10am – 2pm? Then you arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before. And you leave on time.
- DO NOT suggest the 2 of you have sex or invite them to a threesome – The model is more than likely involved or even married. Sexual advances are just a no no. Don’t do it. You’ll kill your career before it’s started.
Threesome - DO NOT ever tell a model the shoot is making you horny – Seriously? This one falls into the same category as DO NOT 8.
- DO NOT suggest changing levels on the day of the shoot – If you have arranged for a fashion shoot, do not change your mind and ask the model to remove her clothes for some topless or nude photos.
- DO NOT ever (And I really can’t stress this enough) masturbate with one hand, while taking photos with the other – The model will most definitely notice, and a swift kick in the balls may be expected if trying this.
Nut Cracker - DO NOT let a model starve – If the shoot is over a certain length, allow for small breaks in between. Ask, in pre shoot comms, if the model would like any food or refreshments. Or suggest they bring something along.
- DO NOT even push a model to do something she is not comfortable with – This is pretty much self explanatory.
- DO NOT think that because you got on well, on the shoot, that you are now friends – Models promote themselves by being friendly. If a model is being difficult, word might spread. But don’t think because she laughs at your jokes, you are now Best Friends.
- DO NOT EVER wake up a model from her slumber to suggest having sex to try cure your erectile dysfunction – I mean HELLO!!!!! Dude… Hire an escort and pop some Viagra, because creeping into a models room in the middle of the night as you’ve managed to convince her to stay at your house, as all the hotels were “fully booked” for the prearranged 2 day photoshoot, is just not normal.
- DO NOT go around telling people you had sex with the model. Because you did not. No!! You did not!! You’re not fooling anyone.
- DO NOT talk down to a model – She is not an idiot and deserves to be spoken to with respect.
Seriously my fellow photographers, most of this should just be common sense and common decency. Don’t be that guy that fucks it up for the rest of us, who enjoy the art of taking a picture, while you try fulfill some fantasy.
For others reading this, you may be sitting there going; “Well duh. Who would do things like that anyway?” Believe me when I say that some of those DO NOT’s up there, are genuine HAVE HAPPEND’s.
Yep. I shit you not… Some of the above listed items, have indeed, actually happened to models. The fun part comes in trying to figure out which ones…….

With all that being said… There are more than likely several items I may have missed, and could be added to that list. Please feel free to contact me if you are a model and wish for anything else to be added.
Look forward to hearing form you.
Have a great week ahead 🙂
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