So, in true Lex Style I’ve completely fallen off the photography wagon again. In fact… I’m trying to think about the last time I actually used my camera.
Oh. Wait… It was in week 36 of this year. The 4th of September when the wife and I went to Dartmoor. We are now in Week 41. Or the ending of it as I’m sat up in bed writing this on Sunday evening.
The above image was not Dartmoor, but just outside our hotel in Exmouth. It was a roadtrip and we made our way along the coast, to Dartmoor then up to Cheddar Gorge. Unfortunately the conditions weren’t right for us to make our way up Cheddar Gorge. Next time.
Quick Plug: Check out my Landscape Portfolio on Instagram.
Anyway… My last model shoot was probably Jodie back in June. As a matter of fact, I have another shoot booked with her again next week Monday. Then yet another shoot with the stunning Serenity on the Wednesday… (Just wait and see)

What the hell is this 11 Week Challenage???
I’ve been watching some Gary Vaynerchuk videos and listening to his podcasts. I must be honest, I haven’t really completed many or studied him as in depth as I’d like to. But one of the videos I had playing in the background, I heard him say that people must try Vlogging once a week. As a challenge.
So I thought; ‘Fuck it. I’m gonna give it a bash for the remainder of this year’ There is 11 weeks remaining in 2017 and I’ve accomplished absolutely FUCK ALL that I set out to do.
Nope. Wait. That’s a lie. I’ve started a new job with a new company. And let me be honest here… In my line of full time employment, it’s all the same. It all sux.
So in true Gary V style, I’ve decided to challenge myself by being more active on social media and attempting a blog at least once a week. That’s 11 new blogs by the end of 2017.
Just Hustle. Write. Express myself.
Let’s see how it goes.
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